Hey ya’ll, I’m Megan Tay!

I started out probably right where you are.

I was a full-time full-time mom in desperate need of extra income.

So I started building my first online business - working on it nights, weekends, day in and day out - pouring my heart and soul into it, praying it would work.

But I had no idea what I was doing when I first started, and my business failed miserably as a result.

I spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars I didn’t have, put myself out there and launched my offering, and.. crickets. I didn’t make a single sale.

I spent so much time and money on things it turns out I didn’t need. Course after course. Webinar after webinar. Software, templates, strategies, all these things other bloggers and online entrepreneurs told me I had to have to be successful.
I knew that if I was going to try again, I HAD to learn how to do it RIGHT this time - and start making money FAST.

BUT from all this failure, I learned how to launch a blog biz the RIGHT way - with very little time and money, and with income coming in QUICKLY!

So why did my first online business fail in the first place?

I made every mistake in the book the first time around...

1. I wasted time and money on the wrong things.

I spent days trying to DIY the fanciest logo, create a “perfect webinar,” craft a high-converting funnel, writing (and spending tons of wasted money on) Facebook ads, and trying to set up software I had no idea how to use.

I didn’t know what was important to focus on and what was unnecessary. This caused me to waste thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours on things I didn’t need!

2. I kept trying to force myself to use Wordpress.

Yes, Wordpress is a great blogging platform. But I found it extremely difficult to use and was spending days trying to figure it out and still never managed to get my blog to look and perform the way I wanted.

All the “gurus” tell you you MUST use Wordpress to be a successful blogger, but the truth is, they’re telling you that so that they can earn Bluehost affiliate commissions. Seriously, go check every blogger’s post on how to start a blog - they’re all promoting Bluehost. I’ve even seen bloggers promoting Bluehost, but their blogs are on Showit or Squarespace ha!

Honestly, I could never figure out Wordpress. So I stopped making things difficult for myself and started using Squarespace instead. It was so much faster and easier, my blog looks the way I want and does what I want, and it’s earning me tons of money!

3. I didn’t know how to write blog posts that people would actually read

I spent hours staring at a blank page every time I wanted to write a blog post, trying to figure out what to say. My posts were inconsistent, took forever to write, and didn’t connect with readers - and therefore didn’t make any money.

But I finally figured out a formula that allowed me to write posts quickly and consistently, that people loved to read, and that brought in tons of income!

4. I didn’t know how to actually make money online

With my first biz, I eventually started getting plenty of people clicking on my links and reading my pages, but no one was buying.

Making money online in a way that feels natural and authentic (for you and your reader!) can seem impossible. You don’t want to feel like a sleazy salesman and your reader doesn’t want to feel like they’re being sold to.

But there is a way to create content that inspires your readers to say “YES! I want that!” When I finally figured it out, I started making tons of sales and getting tons of positive feedback from my readers!

5. I listened to bad advice from business and marketing “gurus”

I spent thousands of dollars on courses and coaching programs that just never seemed to work. All the advice was either too “woo woo/mindset” with no practical steps, or was too technical and complex, or just flat out outdated. It all made me feel like I wasn’t techy enough, wasn’t confident enough, wasn’t creative enough, or that I was just too late in the game for my blog biz to work.

But truth is, being successful in online business is simple - mastering the basics and repeating them consistently is all it takes to make great money with a blog!

and the second time, I turned all this around...

From failure to my entire life changing in just a few weeks..

I completely abandoned my first online business. It was a total flop.

But I brushed off my disappointment and started over with a new blog called The Basic Mama.

This time, I was going to take all my failures and lessons learned the hard way and do things completely differently. (Keep in mind, we were up to our noses in bills, so I HAD to make this work and FAST.)

I made a plan, built my blog from scratch in a week, and just FIVE DAYS after launching it, something incredible happened.

I made my first sale.

I remember it like it was yesterday.. I cried. A lot. Like UGLY cry, ya’ll.

It was only $35, but it meant the world to me! It was a major turning point and I knew at that moment that everything was about to change for me.

From there, I went on to make $1,172 in my first month from my blog.

I knew I had finally figured out the basic formula for successful online business, and that it would only grow from there.

And GROW is exactly what it did..

In fact, my blog income TRIPLED in my second month!

In just my 4th month, my income tripled again, putting me over the $10,000 a month mark! This was the month that I started implementing a Pinterest strategy, and my blog traffic (and therefore, my sales) skyrocketed.

how to start a money making blog

My income was consistent the next month, and then I started selling my first mini-course.

In just my 6th month blogging, I made $30,565.

And I have continued to bring in that amount and MORE ever since!

I want you to see that this is possible, and with the right knowledge and game plan, it can happen quickly.

If you’re like me, just $1,172 in a month would be life-altering, and that was just the start.

In this business, the possibilities for growth are completely endless!

Does this sound like you?

1. You feel like there has to be more to life.

Maybe you’re tired of spending 40+ hours a week of your life at a job you hate. Maybe you just want more time at home with your children. Or travel the world before you’re 65 - while you’re still young enough to enjoy it to the fullest!

Or maybe you’re just tired of living the status quo, and crave more out of your life.

That something more you’re craving is called FREEDOM - to have the life that you desire!

2. You love the idea of making money online but don’t know how.

You’ve seen ad after ad from all these online biz “gurus” pitching you the next great get-rich-quick-online scheme, and you have no idea which business models will actually work and which ones will just leave you out the $997 you paid for their overpriced, under-delivering course.

Blogging (the way I teach it) is a tried-and-true online business model that has stood the test of time, and will continue to be a great way to make six-figures and more online!

3. You like the idea of a blog biz, but you don’t know what to write about or how to make money doing it

You’re probably not a super talented writer, don’t really feel like an “expert” at anything, and you’re definitely not a natural-born “salesperson". Guess what - me neither.

But I can show you how to choose a blog niche that both you and your readers will actually love, and how to turn your blog into a sales machine - without having to be “salesy” at all!

Ready for this?

1. You built your blog biz from scratch in a matter of days - and it was actually easy!

You sat down to build your blog already feeling confident, knowing exactly how to do it step-by-step. You had a proven plan, and you built it from scratch in just a few days. It was not only easy, it was fun! Now, your blog is ready to launch, looks clean and professional, and is already set up to bring in tons of readers and make tons of money!

2. Your blog has only been live for a month and you’ve already made more than $1,000!

Seriously think about it - how much of a difference would an additional $1,000 a month of income make for you and your family? For me, it changed everything! It broke the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck and allowed me to finally pay down debt, save money, and get ahead!

And that first $1,000 in my first month was just the beginning! My blog income has continued to increase from there, and is now at over $30,000 a month!

3. You’re finally on track to ditch the 9-5 and create the life you really want

You’ve built an online business that will consistently bring in income month after month, year after year. Your business is built on a model that has withstood the test of time, so there’s no worry of “how long it will last.” You understand how to grow and scale your blog, earning $1,000, then $10,000, and even six figures every month.

This changes everything for you! You’re free from the 9-5 grind, you can spend more time on the people and things you really care about, travel the world, and finally live life on your own terms. You can have the life and business of your dreams!


Module 1

Blog Biz Basics +Finding Your Niche

Learn exactly how the blogging business works, as well as the finding your niche. Here, we build the foundation for an online business that brings in money for years to come!

Module 2

Creating your Brand

Learn how to make your blog look beautiful and professional and catch the eye of your readers from day one. No more ugly DIY blogs around here!

Module 3

One Day Website

Build your blog from the ground up in as little as ONE DAY!

Module 4

Pinterest Strategy 101

Learn exactly how to start making money on your blog from day one! I teach you how to find and create products to sell, and how to sell them with ease. PLUS, I’ll show you how I used Pinterest to 4x my blog income!

Module 5

Blog Monotization

Never wonder what you’re going to write or spend hours writing posts! I teach you how to quickly batch-create content, PLUS I’m giving you the exact template I use to write money-making blog posts in 30 mins or less!


PIN for Profit

I’m taking you behind the scenes of my multi-six-figure blog and showing you exactly what I did to take my income from $10,000 to $30,00 a month in just ONE MONTH.

** This module alone is worth ten times the cost of this course!**


#1 - Affiliate Programs + Product Ideas List ($47 value)

Not sure what the heck to sell or where to even begin finding something? I’ve got you covered! I’m also including this MASSIVE list of affiliate offer and digital product ideas, broken down by niche! Just pick some and start making money!

#2 - Opt-in Ideas + Website Design Checklist

Also including a website design checklist to keep you on track along with freebie ideas for customers to sign up for your email list!

Get Started Now

with Basic Blog Bootcamp!